Fant du en video som du har lyst til å dele med andre?
Du kan streame den her i forumet, rett fra det stedet den ligger.
Her er en oversikt over de forskjellige videosidene, og hvordan du bruker dem. Oversikten skrives på engelsk, slik at flest mulig kan forstå den:
* For Google Video use: { google}video_id{/google}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is -3406925506469882756, that means the characters that come after "docid=". Please note that in some cases there might be a minus sign (-) before the last sequence of digits or not!
* For local Google Video sites (like Google Video France) use: {google.TLD}video_id{/google} and replace "TLD" with "", "", "de", "es", "fr", "it", "nl" or "pl", depending on the local Google Video service.
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is -3406925506469882756, that means the characters that come after "docid=". You then write inside the editor: {}-3406925506469882756{/}. Please note that in some cases there might be a minus sign (-) before the last sequence of digits or not!
* For Yahoo! Video use: { yahoo}video_id{/yahoo}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is 1155220&cache=1, that means, everything that is AFTER the last DOT on the link!
* For YouTube use: { youtube}video_id{/youtube}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is cdXTDovB9K8, that means, again just the number at the end of the link!
* For iFilm use: { ifilm}video_id{/ifilm}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is 2732615, that means, yes you\'ve guessed too, just the number at the end of the link!
* For Vimeo use: { vimeo}video_id{/vimeo}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is 78198, that means, yes you are a genius, again just the number at the end of the link!
* For Metacafe use: { metacafe}video_id/video_name{/metacafe}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id/video_name is 143709/i_get_knocked_down. That is a tricky one because you need to ommit the last slash (/)! Be careful with this one!
* For Bofunk use: { bofunk}video_id{/bofunk}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is 3466. Bofunk uses ASX files to stream content.
* For Break use: { break}video_name{/break}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_name is rally41. Break uses Windows Media Video (WMV) to stream content.
* For Current TV use: { currenttv}video_id{/currenttv}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is 2144246.
* For Revver use: { revver}video_id{/revver}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is 29572.
* For College Humor use: { collegehumor}video_id{/collegehumor}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is 1714080.
* For use: { myvideo}video_id{/myvideo}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is 17290.
* For use: { sevenload}video_id{/sevenload}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is ZHNTpBZ.
* For GameTrailers use: { gametrailers}video_id{/gametrailers}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is 3542.
* For Dropshots use: { dropshots}browser_link{/dropshots}
For Dropshots we use the whole browser link, for example;amp;ctime=050513, because this is the easiest way to embed video. You see, Dropshots uses variables inside the link that would otherwise need to be "found" inside the browser link. And our "motto" for the plugin is "no HTML-hassle" at all! So using some extra PHP code, we "clean up" the link and embed the variables correctly in Joomla\'s content. So all you have to do is just paste the whole link and that\'s it!
* For UUme use: { uume}video_id{/uume}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is 0p7PhcCcJ2ra.
* For use: { tudou}video_id{/tudou}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is T7tcywVL8P0.
* For Seehaha use: { seehaha}video_id{/seehaha}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is 19787.
* For QuXiu use: { quxiu}video_id{/quxiu}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is 12285 (without the \'V\').
* For use: { wangyou}video_id{/wangyou}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is 1773127.
* For Mofile TV use: { mofile}video_id{/mofile}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is QM66Q9O8.
* For Biku use: { biku}video_id{/biku}
For example if the link on your browser displays then your video_id is 59150.