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ignition again
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EMNE: ignition again

ignition again 16 år, 4 måneder siden #3026

  • kees
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Innlegg: 9
  • Karma: 0
Now my radiowagon (lt3315 or raptgbil 9033)runs on 3 cilinders. I have no spark on the second sparkplug so i suspect the lead or the plug.

Trond wrote: \" You can replace the ignition cap (top), plug cables, and the spark plugs. Use those parts from a 12 volts system\"

I would like to do that but what about the lead that goes from the cap to the coil? I will not fit because the coil has the same connection as the original (metal)cap. What do i have to do?

It is very hard to find parts here in the Netherlands for my 24volt system so if somebody knows where to find parts or how to change to 12 volts i would be very grateful
Thanks in advance


Re:ignition again 16 år, 4 måneder siden #3028

  • Trond
  • Moderator
  • Innlegg: 1523
  • Karma: 38
If you remove the cap that is mounted on the coil, you will find an ordinary coil inside.
Remove the cap, and use an ordinary wire.

If you still have the 24volt connections on the distributor, you will have to use the same wire. Buy an ordinary coil-wire. Cut off the end of the wire you allready have, and put on the metal-tip from the new wire.

Re:ignition again 16 år, 4 måneder siden #3066

  • kees
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Innlegg: 9
  • Karma: 0

i wanted to get rid of all my ignition problems and have placed a 12v electronic system
i works like a dream

thanks for the information

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